All news articles for September 2023

5 beauty brand concepts that tapped into ancient rituals

5 beauty brand concepts that tapped into ancient rituals

By Kirsty Doolan

In recent years, more consumers have become intrigued by the ancient beauty rituals used in Africa, Asia, Native America and beyond. Here are five companies that created brands around this concept.

Phillip and Dee-Ann Prather speak with Aboriginal Elder Aunty Gwen and Reconciliation Advisor Paula Coghill, both of the Bundjalung Nation

Ancient ingredient revival: tea tree oil

By Kirsty Doolan

We spoke to COO at Down Under Enterprises and Chair of the Australian Tea Tree Industry Association, Phillip Prather, about the latest developments for this ancient ingredient, which was discovered by the indigenous Bundjalung people.


KOSE's Mixed Reality technology projects makeup onto the consumer as a new form of cosmetics trial

3 scientific innovations in cosmetics personalisation: IFSCC exclusive

By Kirsty Doolan

This week, the 33rd IFSCC (International Federation of Societies of Cosmetic Chemists) Congress kicked off in Barcelona to welcome top cosmetic scientists from across the globe. CosmeticsDesign-Europe attended the event to report on the latest industry...

Feeney said the ethical fine fragrance brand has cross-generational appeal

Floral Street launches into Marks & Spencer

By Kirsty Doolan

Independent and sustainable fine fragrance brand Floral Street has launched into the UK retailer today. CosmeticsDesign-Europe spoke to founder Michelle Feeney about the move.