Scientists from the world’s largest beauty firms have tested new approach methodologies (NAMs) to assess skin sensitisation on several new cosmetic-relevant substances, demonstrating promise but highlighting hurdles industry still needs to overcome.
Supply giant BASF says that whilst the European Green Deal’s Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability opens plenty of innovation opportunities, it will also cause significant disruption and challenges given the simplification of risk assessment and shrinking...
State of the Industry: Reflecting on what’s to come in 2020
Industry must rethink its approach to cosmetics ingredients and work towards a more holistic way of discussing safety with consumers, says the director-general of Cosmetics Europe.
The European Union must invest more in next-generation, non-animal chemical safety assessments to achieve its European Green Deal goals, and there are opportunities in in silico methods, says Cruelty Free Europe.
The Netherlands National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) has developed a concept of a new electronic tool that could be used for the risk assessment of nanomaterials in cosmetics.
To meet increasing demand for risk assessments related to consumer safety, the Directorate General for Health and Consumers has called for experts to assist the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety in areas of toxicokinetics and sensitisation testing.
The first ever Annual Review of the IDEA Project (International Dialogue for the Evaluation of Allergens) endorsed by the EU Health Commissioner, has found that it is improving the risk assessment of fragrance ingredients.
The European Commission has announced it will adopt a second regulatory review on nanomaterials, ensuring assessments are done on a case-by-case approach; which should be of benefit to the cosmetics industry.
The European Commission has published its scientific committees' opinion on the use of the 'Threshold of Toxicological Concern' approach for risk assessment of chemical substances in cosmetics.
The most recent modifications made to the International Fragrance Association’s code of practice prohibits the use of one fragrance ingredient and updates the use levels and purity required for six others.
Independent watchdog for the aroma trade Cropwatch has upped its
campaign to boycott the International Fragrance Association's
(IFRA) recent 40th amendment to its voluntary code of practice with
a new online petition.
The International Fragrance Association (IFRA) has hit back at a
recent appeal by Cropwatch to boycott its recently published 40th
Amendment for its voluntary code of practise, over worries that it
will alienate the smaller industries...