UK women are seeking more quality from their hair care products and are using the web to find the best that money can buy which is helping to boost the prestige market as consumers look for luxury products at reduced prices.
When it comes to hair care it seems that having longer hair and styling, or worrying about hair loss and how to prevent/ remedy it, are the driving factors in the men’s hair care market in the UK.
Ingredients supplier Evonik has introduced its new VARISOFT EQ100 liquid conditioning agent to meet hair care market demands along with improved its sustainability profile.
As the industry recovers from the recession and there is the promise of hair care product development fuelled by consumer demand, cosmetics packager Mega Airless is seeing demand in the market for technologies that provide protection.
The Ukraine hair care market is said to be on the rise, one
more reason for the increasing importance that emerging
markets such as this are playing in
international cosmetic manufacturer's strategies.