
Turkey ahead of all EU countries on FMCG growth

Turkey ahead of all EU countries on FMCG growth

By Michelle Yeomans

According to the latest figures from Nielsen, the fast-moving consumer goods market which features products like toiletries seen Turkey ahead of the game in Europe with a year-on-year sales growth of +11.6 per cent in Q2.

France sees drop in cosmetics sales in the first half of 2012

France sees drop in cosmetics sales in the first half of 2012

By Michelle Yeomans

According to a report by market researcher NPD and the French Federation of selective perfumery (FFPS), cosmetics retail sales in France decreased in the first half of 2012 by 2.9 per cent in volume and -0.4 per cent in value.

Italian cosmetic industry boosted by exports in 2011

Italian cosmetic industry boosted by exports in 2011

By Michelle Yeomans

According to Unipro, the Italian cosmetics industry association, “exports have reached €2.9bn in 2011, increasing 19 per cent year on year and boosting the industry as a whole by 6 per cent.”