Protection & microbiome

L’Oréal signs licensing deal w bacterial biotech firm Micreos

L’Oréal signs licensing deal with bacterial biotech firm Micreos

By Deanna Utroske

Under the agreement announced today, the Netherlands-based bacterial technology company will give L’Oréal access to a proprietary enzyme that targets and kills staphylococcus aureus—the endolysin is already an ingredient in Micreos’ own skin care brand...

Scientific studies on collagen have traditionally been split between beauty and medicine, but industry has now started to 'join the dots' (Getty Images)

Collagen has a ‘bold future’ in beauty as science soars

By Kacey Culliney

Research on the beauty benefits of collagen continues to gain ground, with increasing cross-over interest between topical, ingestible and medical applications sparking fresh promise, says the science and technical director of the Collagen Stewardship...

Avon to launch skin care for women in menopause

Avon to launch skin care for women in menopause

By Deanna Utroske

The multinational beauty maker has been previewing the Adapt Sync product line since 2019; and now Avon has published a study on what women worldwide know and how they think about menopause.

FEBEA said several million units of hydroalcoholic gel would reach the market in the coming days, notably hospitals, nursing homes and pharmacies (Getty Images)

COVID-19: French beauty mobilises to produce hydroalcoholic gels

By Kacey Culliney

The French Federation for Beauty Companies (FEBEA) will mobilise its network to ramp up production of hygiene and hydroalcoholic products, following calls from the Ministry of Health to assist amid the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak.