Nivea helps boost Beiersdorf 2015 revenue


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Nivea helps boost Beiersdorf 2015 revenue

Related tags Consumer business segment Organic growth

Despite slower demand, an increase in prices and the amount of male customers has helped bolster sales for the Nivea brand, which has helped boost Beiersdorf’s overall 2015 revenue figures.

The results mean that the German skin care maker continues on a profitable growth path, in spite of a challenging market environment, with sales rising by 6.4% from €6.285 billion to € 6.686 billion.

Most of this growth came from the Consumer Business Segment which saw organic sales increase by 3.6% to €5.546bn.

The company also confirmed that its consolidated EBIT margin (excluding special factors) significantly exceeded last year's level as forecast.

Men’s boost

Beiersdorf CEO, Stefan F. Heidenreich, says: “2015 was another successful year for Beiersdorf.”

“We continued on our sustainable profitable growth path and gained momentum in the second half of the year with a significant increase in sales. Beiersdorf has built a solid foundation for further economic success in 2016 despite challenging economic conditions.”

The consumer goods firm’s boss notes that brand extensions into men’s products and women’s razors helped to boost growth amid tepid consumer spending in Europe.

There has also been a price increase for the company’s flagship Nivea brand which has also helped to increase the figures.

Heidenreich says the company had targeted 3-4% organic sales growth last year, which it has just achieved (3.0%).

Solid performer again

In the last few years the Consumer Business Segment for Beiersdorf, which incorporates brands such as Nivea, Eucerin and La Prairie, has performed well in some tough conditions, and 2015 seems no different.

After recording sales growth of 1.6% in the first half of the year, Consumer performed very well in the second half, increasing sales by 5.7%.

Organic sales rose by 3.6% during 2015. In nominal terms, sales were up 6.5%, climbing from €5.209 billion in the previous year to €5.546 billion. All of the company’s aforementioned three core brands contributed to this positive sales performance.

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