Sun care focus: Highlights in 2014 so far…


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Sun care focus: Highlights in 2014 so far…

Related tags Sunscreen Ultraviolet takes a look at the top sun care stories from the cosmetics industry this year, focusing on the new market trends and latest research.

August is upon us already and the summer is in full swing, which for many people in Europe means the holiday season is here. And where there is sun, there is sun protection, so here are the advancements in 2014.

First up the sun care segment appears to be branching out with multifunction and anti-ageing​ in mind, as brands are looking to revitalize the stalling segment with innovation across the supply chain, from new product types to novel marketing campaigns.


There was also a study carried out by scientists at Manchester University and London’s Institute of Cancer Research that highlighted the importance of applying sunscreen as an increased form of protection for the skin against UV exposure​.

The research looked into the role that sunscreens play in helping to protect against skin cancer, and showed that when SPF 50 is applied, skin is damaged at a slower rate.


At the Cosmetics Europe General Assembly in June, the European Commission’s deputy director general Martin Seychells urged the industry to think about how nanotechnology is being presented to the consumer​ that already perceives nanomaterials as ‘inherently problematic’.

Other highlights of the year also include sun creams diversifying to address needs of individual consumer groups​, while Datamonitor also revealed the sunscreen innovation trends​ in a video interview with

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