EC calls for experts to aid safety assessment of nanomaterials in cosmetics


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EC calls for experts to aid safety assessment of nanomaterials in cosmetics

Related tags Cosmetic products European union European commission

As the European Commission looks to tighten up the safety assessment of nanomaterials in cosmetics products, the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) has been called upon to request the help of other experts in the field.

As part of the plan, the Commission Health and Consumers Directorate General wishes to identify relevant experts who can help the SCCS with its work.

In line with the Rules of procedure of the Scientific Committees​ a call for expression of interest for experts in the field of nanotechnologies has been launched.

Call for experts

The Working Group is looking for experts with good knowledge in relation to nanomaterials, and in particular those used in cosmetic products, such as: characterisation; chemistry; systemic toxicity; genotoxicity; human exposure (including inhalation); in vitro and alternative methods; and risk assessment for human health.

“Experts with relevant professional experience are invited to register to the European Commission Scientific Committees' database of experts,”​ says the EC.

The deadline for submission for this call for experts is 15 October 2012 and applicants are requested to indicate "SCCS: nanomaterials in cosmetic products - call for experts" in the subject title of the message sent with their application.

A link to the registration can be found here​.

Published guidance

The call comes two months after the Commission published a guide on the safety assessment of nanomaterials to help the industry comply with article 16 of Regulation EC No 1223/2009 on cosmetic products, which is to come into force in July of next year.

Article 16 of the Cosmetic Regulation EC No 1223/2009 requires any cosmetic product containing nanomaterials to be notified to the Commission six months prior to being placed on the market.

In case of concern, the SCCS will be called upon to give its opinion.

Related topics Regulation & safety

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