Givaudan ahead of the game as progress towards sustainability goals are announced

By Andrew McDougall

- Last updated on GMT

Givaudan ahead of the game as progress towards sustainability goals are announced
Flavours and fragrance firm Givaudan has released its sustainability report for 2011 confirming the steady progress the company is making towards its 2020 operational targets.

Entitled ' Making Progress Together ', the report was externally assured by auditors Ernst & Young in order to confirm the improvements.

Against the company’s 2009 baselines, water efficiency has improved by 13.8 per cent; energy efficiency has improved by 7.8 per cent; and CO2 emissions have reduced by 12.8 per cent, per tonne of product.

The company has also seen a 44 per cent reduction in the rate of Lost Time Injuries across all manufacturing sites.

On track

Compare that to the 2020 targets set three years ago: 25 per cent reduction in CO2 emissions; 20 per cent reduction in energy consumption; 15 per cent reduction in incinerated and landfilled waste; 15 per cent reduction of municipal and ground water usage; and the company are making steady progress.

“While 2011 was focused on delivering against our sustainability commitments, it was equally important to reflect on the progress we had made and to ensure our efforts are aligned with key stakeholders,”​ says Joe Fabbri, global head of Human Resources and chair of the Givaudan Sustainability Programme.

“Our on-going dialogue with all audiences – ranging from customers and employees, to investors and suppliers – has been documented in this report, which demonstrates that we are making considerable progress on our sustainability journey.”

All above board

In addition to detailing progress against targets, the report also contains the progress Givaudan has made against its mid-term sustainability KPIs.

The report was prepared using the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G3 Reporting Guidelines and externally assured by Ernst &Young. GRI has confirmed that Givaudan fulfills the requirements of Application Level B+.

Its release comes right after the company’s Annual General Meeting, attended by 324 shareholders or proxies, in which the annual reports and accounts for 2011 were approved.

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