HSI calls on EU to spend Horizon 2020 budget to improve research and testing
Horizon 2020 combines funding from EU Framework programmes, the European Research Council and elsewhere, and is being debated by the EU Parliament’s Industry, Research and Energy Committee.
HSI Europe believes that by funding advanced research, Horizon 2020 will better equip EU scientists to tackle the major human and environmental health challenges.
Opportunity to improve testing
“This is a major opportunity for Europe to invest and lead the world in cutting-edge modern research techniques, the development of which is also essential across many areas of EU policy such as the REACH chemicals legislation, to achieve the 2013 cosmetics sales ban deadline etc,” a spokesperson told CosmeticsDesign-Europe.com.
Improving the speed and relevance of chemical safety testing is a priority concern in a number of EU policy areas such as cosmetics and REACH chemicals legislation.
A paradigm shift in safety testing is already underway with current tests being replaced by more sophisticated techniques.
Therefore HSI is calling on Members of the European Parliament and EU Member States to support substantial, dedicated funding for this critically important area of human and environmental health research.
Drumming up support
Troy Seidle, director of research and toxicology for HSI, adds: “If Horizon 2020’s key objective of supporting science excellence is to be achieved, it is vital that substantial funding is focused on advanced, human-relevant research and testing methods.”
By investing in the development of emerging and future research technologies, Seidle believes that HSI can harness the very latest human health and drug discovery advances that science has to offer and improve the quality of its own medical research endeavours.
“Supporting industries today that are inventing the science techniques of tomorrow will also stimulate economic growth. In vitro and computational techniques represent science’s future and Horizon 2020 is Europe’s chance to make sure it is leading the way,” he continues.
Advanced research such as cellular, computer and robotic tools are already advancing at a quick pace and could replace many of the traditional methods, particularly the traditional animal-based approaches which can delay vital medical research and which have also come under severe pressure from focus groups.