Health Canada warns against hair product use
capsules, a product designed to treat hair loss, after it was found
to be contaminated with unacceptable levels of lead, causing
potential serious adverse effects, including death.
Sesa Hair Supplement is manufactured by Rani-Pharma and also sold unbranded by certain herbalists and acupuncturists. It contains Mukta Sukti (100 mg), Sudha Shilajeet (100 mg), Rohitak (60 mg), Sudh Bodar (50 mg) and Rasayana (90 mg).
Health Canada assessed Sesa Hair Supplement capsules after receiving a report that one person had to be hospitalised after using the product because of lead poisoning. The assessment found that the capsules contained more than 7,000 times the allowable limit of lead in a health product. The product was also found to contain mercury and arsenic.
Exposure to high levels of lead can lead to damage to the intestines, kidneys, and blood, cardiovascular, immune and reproductive systems, particularly in children.
This product had not been authorized for use by Health Canada, which advises Canadians only to use health products carrying identification numbers.