We caught up with an innovation leader, Dr David Heath from beauty tech company Cutitronics, on how tech based developments will drive skin care trends in the coming period.
This is one part of Dr Heath’s exclusive insights. Find the other parts here and here.
Every product will need to be personalised
The current demand for personalisation will evolve into adaptive personalisation. The one size fits all cream will become a thing of the past.
Customisation of product for what someone needs right now be that higher SPF, darker tint, higher emollient etc. will be required.
However, the consumer will want this in as automated a manner as possible.
This will require both device and digital innovation, perhaps as well as an overhaul of the business model to deliver this level of personalisation on a large commercial scale.
When this happens, it will fundamentally disrupt the value chain. There will be winners and losers.
Consumer education
Consumer will become more and more educated and as they do they will pay even more attention to key ingredient within products compared with the brand name on the product.
This will lead to ingredients taking a more prominent position on the stage sharing the spotlight with brands themselves.
Consumers will start become more aware of not just key ingredients, but also the concentration or even dosage of the ingredients being offered to them at any given price.
This will benefit high quality efficacious brands containing proven ingredient, but this spotlight will also fall on those with outdated, bulked or very low concentration products.
Greater transparency: ethical practice
As part of this greater consumer awareness, there will also be an increasing demand for greater transparency and social/environmental responsibility.
This will include ethical practice around sourcing as well as environmental practice around sustainability, impact of plastics and the impact of harsh chemical use vs ‘clean’ alternatives.
Of course, the consumer will want this without sacrificing on premium user experience or product efficacy.