SEPAWA releases Forum for Innovation programme


As this year’s congress in Berlin approaches, SEPAWA organisers have released the programme for its Forum for Innovation.

The industry event gathers the scientific community of the cosmetics, personal care, detergents and household care industries for knowledge-sharing and networking, and the following have been selected as the core topics of the conference this year:

  • ​(CAT/DGK) "Cosmetics-Nature-Life-Environment: Biodegradability of formulations and packaging, resource-friendly production, sustainable raw materials, statutory regulations etc."
  • Home Care​ (Detergents/ Household Cleaners) "Opportunities and challenges of the future"
  • Legislative, Environment, Consumer Group​ (LUV/HAD) "Sustainability and legal requirements in a world of change“

In this article roundup, we’ve picked out some of our highlights from this year’s speaker programme, not to be missed.

Wednesday 10 October

  • Beautifully Innovative - Achieving Personalised Textures with Multifunctional Products: Petre Kudla. 10.15 - 10.30. Room 2.
  • Sunscreens of the Future can Provide Spectral-Homeostasis Protection: Uli Osterwalder, Sun Protection Facilitator GmbH. 12.15 - 12.30. Room 2.
  • Leptin-receptor Inhibition to Regulate the Sebaceous Glands - a New Strategy for Balancing Oily Skin. 9.30 - 9.45. Room 3.

Thursday 11 October

  • Turmoil in the Middle East – Consequences for Europe: Antonia Rados. Keynote address from 11:30 – 13:00 at Convention Hall I.
  • Utopia Creates Sales!: Gerriet Danz. Marketing Lecture from 14.15 - 15.15 at Convention Hall I.
  • IFRA Standards - The Fragrance Industry’s Self-Regulatory Approach: Dr Matthias Vey. 10.15 - 10.45. Room 2.

Friday 12 October

  • A Sustainable Formulation Approach for Shampoos and Conditioners: Bert Kroon, Ashland Industries. 9.00 - 9.30am. Room 2.
  • Synergy in Preservation - Exploring Natural-like Elements for Antimicrobial Efficacy: Paul Salama, Sharon Laboratories. 11.00 - 11.30. Room 2.