Natural cosmetics masterclass: future direction of ethical labels

Ecovia Intelligence, a market research and consultancy firm, is set to launch its new masterclass dedicated to ethical labels.

The event, dubbed ‘Natural Cosmetics Masterclass: Future Direction of Ethical Labels’, is due to take place 11 July, London, and is limited to 50 places.

The event is organised in partnership with the Soil Association and with ICADA, and full details on how to register can be discovered here.

Ethical labels - natural, organic, fairtrade, halal, vegan, etc. - are gaining popularity on cosmetics & personal care products. What is the outlook for the ethical labelling trend? Which ones are gaining popularity and why? What are the technical and marketing issues when adopting such labels?” explain the event organisers.

Such questions will be addressed in this first-ever masterclass dedicated to ethical labels.

Morning seminars

The latest data will be presented on the UK & European market for natural & organic personal care products, say organisers.

An update will be given on natural & organic standards (COSMOS, Natrue) as well as ISO 160128 guidelines.

Other topics include: fairtrade in cosmetics, skin biomes, novel ingredients, and retailer's perspectives.

Training workshop

The green cosmetics workshop will tackle the issues when adopting popular certification schemes and ethical labelling schemes.

Practical advice and guidance will be given on raw materials, formulations, and technical issues when taking the certification route.