Lush re-launches shampoo bar to campaign against animal testing

Beauty brand Lush, known for its commitment to plugging ethical issues, has re-launched its global bestseller shampoo bar in support the Humane Society International’s animal testing ban campaign.

The shampoo bar, dubbed New, has been redesigned to feature the charity’s ‘Be Cruelty Free’ message, written in English and simplified Chinese - the two most commonly used languages on social media, in a bid to encourage the campaign online.

The redesigned bar has been rolling out globally since January, and with it, Lush is looking to bolster support for the HSI’s worldwide campaign to ban animal testing and trade, through an online petition.

Global momentum against animal testing

With many countries and regions now having signed up to animal testing bans, including the EU, Swizerland, Israel, South Korea and India, the move against cosmetics animal testing has certainly gained a global momentum that is likely to continue.

“More than 1.7 billion consumers now live in cruelty-free cosmetics markets and the #BeCrueltyFree movement continues to grow. Lush’s revamped New shampoo bar will spread our #BeCrueltyFree message to an ever greater number of consumers and help us end cosmetics cruelty around the world once and for all,” says Claire Mansfield, HSI’s global #BeCrueltyFree campaigns director.

It means formulators, brands and industry bodies have been increasingly investing in and developing alternatives to animal testing, and this looks set to continue as enthusiasm for ‘cruelty free’ cosmetics grows among consumers.

“Only when this ugly practice is over will our industry truly be the Beauty business. Until that day we all need to keep spreading the message,” says Hilary, Lush ethics director.

“The horror of cosmetics testing will not be over for animals until the whole world switches to more modern non-animal safety testing methods.”

Lush’s stance

Lush says that it believes that the most effective and humane way to test the safety of both ingredients and finished products are through modern non-animal tests and a panel of human volunteers.

According to the global brand, its products and ingredients are never tested on animals, nor do they engage with third-party suppliers to test on their behalf. Lush’s strict policy means they will not buy any ingredient from any supplier that tests its materials on animals for any purpose.