2,5,6-triamino-4- pyrimidinol sulfate
Next up, the ingredient 2,5,6-triamino-4- pyrimidinol sulfate was assessed and deemed safe for use in oxidative hair dye formulations at a maximum concentration of 0.5%.
“In the light of the new data provided, the SCCS considers the use of 2,5,6-triamino-4- pyrimidinol sulfate as an ingredient in oxidative hair dye formulations at a maximum concentration of 0.5% on the head is safe,” says the Opinion.
“A skin sensitising potential of 2,5,6-triamino-4-pyrimidinol sulfate cannot be excluded,” it adds.
Submission I and II for the hair dye 2,5,6-Triamino-4-pyrimidinol sulfate was submitted in October 1999 and July 2005 respectively also by COLIPA (now Cosmetics Europe).
In September 2008, the Scientific Committee on Consumer Products (SCCP) adopted an opinion concluding that: “…the safe use of 2,5,6-triamìno-4-pyrìmìdìnol sulfate as an ingredient in oxidative hair dye formulations at a maximum concentration of 0.5% on the head cannot be assessed.”
This was due to the potential for induction of gene mutations which needed to be clarified, and further studies on genotoxicity/mutagenicity in finished hair dye formulations needed to be undertaken.
COLIPA provided new information and scientific results of a newly conducted HPRT assay for mammalian gene mutation.