Oriflame research identifies key anti-ageing factors for women in Russia

Oriflame research has found that by providing a clear view on the signs of ageing that really matter to Russian women who are aged 40 years old and above, it can then look to develop relevant anti-ageing skin care solutions.

The study is the first to relate the severity of visual skin ageing features and perceived age in a Russian population, and found that wrinkles, sagging and hyperpigmentation are key features with regards to their impact on ageing appearance on Russian women.

“Sagging-related features were of particular relevance from both an unconscious (age perception) and conscious (self-declaration) view on ageing,” says the research.

“Such insights provide an opportunity to develop an anti-ageing solution which would support the ambition of ‘younger-looking’ skin by improving the key signs of ageing that really matter to Russian women: that is, wrinkles and sagging features.”

Facial skin features

To come across these revelations, the Oriflame team in Sweden and Ireland began by asking 629 female naïve assessors, aged 20–65 years old, to estimate the age of 203 Russian female volunteers, from their photographs.

The team had identified 23 facial skin features to be measured according to severity, and these were evaluated between women perceived older and women perceived younger than their chronological age.

The study found that nine of these facial skin ageing features were found to correlate the most with perceived age, and this highlighted the importance of wrinkles in the upper (crow's feet, glabellar, under eye and forehead wrinkles) and lower part of the face.

Wrinkles in the lower half of the face were associated with facial sagging, particularly on the upper lip and nasolabial fold.

Sagging was confirmed as the factor of key importance to female volunteers aged 41–65 years old who were mostly concerned by the sagging of their jawline, ahead of under eye and crow's feet wrinkle.

The severity of hyperpigmented spots, red and brown, was also found to contribute to perceived age although to a weaker extent.

Anti-ageing development

Oriflame says that these results offer key information for the development of relevant anti-ageing solutions specifically targeting Russian women’s needs and their desire to achieve younger-looking skin.

The desire for a youthful look is not just something that affects this population, and it remains a powerful motivator in the purchase of cosmetics by women globally.

To develop an anti-ageing solution that targets the need of end consumers, Oriflame says it is critical to understand which signs of ageing really matter to them and which influence their age perception.