Unilever announces first 2 partnerships in climate change campaign


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Unilever announces first 2 partnerships in climate change campaign

Related tags Sustainability Sustainable development Unilever

Anglo-Dutch consumer company Unilever is partnering with Global Citizen and Live Earth: Road to Paris, as part of its brightFuture campaign as it looks to grow its business while reducing its environmental footprint and increasing its positive social impact.

It is the first time the Dove skin care maker has partnered with two global movements on this scale and will see it get involved with a number of campaigns throughout the year aiming to help create impact at scale across the interlinked issues of sustainable development and climate change.

“2015 is a critical moment in time, an opportunity to agree on a universal agenda that tackles poverty and inequality and to all take action to protect the one planet we have,”​ says Paul Polman, CEO, Unilever.

“As a business we can deploy our resources, expertise and scale to help our consumers to take action. Today, we are adding our support for the growing movement of citizens and businesses demanding change.”


The Live Earth: Road to Paris climate change campaign launches with a series of global events on 18 June, whilst Global Citizen, a movement to end extreme poverty by 2030, kicks off its newest campaign, ‘Unlock Your Power,’ to encourage people to act towards making the new Sustainable Development Goals a reality.

"​[Unilever] are committed to working with their customers and empowering billions of people to be impactful agents of climate change. We could not be more excited to be on the Road to Paris with partners like Unilever that literally pave the way,”​ says Kevin Wall, Executive Producer and Co-founder of Live Earth.

“The support Unilever has given to Global Citizen will enable us to engage millions of people in the movement to end extreme poverty by 2030,”​ adds Hugh Evans, CEO of The Global Poverty Project.

“Their commitment to encouraging people to take action to change the systems and policies that keep people poor is remarkable.”


Unilever’s brightFuture campaign fits into its Sustainable Living Plan and the company maintains its vision that to be a successful business in the long-term, there needs to be an investment in the planet and its people, by addressing environmental and social challenges.

By encouraging support for the ‘Take Climate Action Now’ pledge and the partnership with Global Citizen, Unilever believes it can now help people engage in issues that impact everyone, enlisting its employees and consumers to lend their voice and take action.

“Our partnerships with Live Earth: Road to Paris and Global Citizen reflect our commitment to help tackle social and environmental issues wherever we do business,”​ says Keith Weed, Chief Marketing & Communications Officer, Unilever.

“To us, climate and development issues are intertwined. We cannot have a healthy business in an unhealthy world - these are issues that business must play a part to help solve. Unilever reaches 2 billion consumers every day through our brands which gives us a real opportunity to encourage action, empowering people to be part of the positive change they wish to see.”

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