Programmable plant cells without genetic modification lead to multi-use marketing claims

A new Mother Cell Biotechnology allows companies to program sustainable, highly efficacious plant cells to perform a specific function for skin care use.

France-based active ingredients provider Naolys offers dedifferentiated plant cells that can be modified to meet specific formulation needs for skin care products.

This process helps the environment by protecting endangered species from over harvesting and replacing them with bountiful reprogrammable plant extracts. Likewise, this process uses one plant to make indefinite cell lines.

First to market claims

Top skin care companies are already utilizing this innovative biotechnology in their formulations. Unlike other products in the market, which are typically simple extracts of a plant, Naolys dedifferentiated cells offer the full biological material of the plant plus any targeted function the customer selects for their product.

This unique concept leads to one of a kind ingredient with first to market claims.

The mother cell is extracted from a section of the plant species typically from the Meristem region in the leaves. From this mother cell, come the active plant cells, which are then filtered and grown for use in a personal care formula.

The development of Naolys allows a company to indirectly programme a plant cell to perform a specific action including anti ageing, hydration, protection, repair, balance, and more.

Naolys Active Plant Cells are actually 1.5x heavier than regular plant cells and these biological materials are all found in the human skin, enabling it to biomimics and repair the skin.

Intelligenet repair of damaged skin

These reprogrammed cells intelligently repair damaged skin and protect against future damage. This is done via natural mimetic mechanisms so these cells naturally diffuse and assimilate into the skin.

According to the company they have been tested and proven to work without any toxicity or adverse side effects.

Naolys plant actives are produced from a biotechnology process that ensures one hundred percent pure cell lines. Each earth-friendly, traceable and sustainable species has been in-vitro tested and have full clinical studies.

Over thirty-five species of plants are available for customization, which is in addition to the plant’s natural, inherent qualities and benefits for skin.

From a marketing standpoint, this programmable plant cell technology offers claimss of unparalleled innovation, more product ideas and expansions, brand differentiation and an earth friendly sustainable brand position.