Procter and Gamble make organisational changes

Organizational changes have taken place at consumer goods company Procter and Gamble, as Edward D. Shirley, vice chairman of Beauty and Grooming will be retiring.

His retirement will be effective from January 1st 2012, after 33 years of service. In his stead, Dimitri Panayotopoulos, vice chairman of Global Household Care, has been appointed vice chairman of Global Business Units, taking responsibility of Beauty and Grooming as well.

Thus, as part of this management change, Dimitri Panayotopoulos will head two of P&G’s Global Business Units - Beauty and Grooming, and Household Care.

This new structure is the right one for the business at this point in time. This evolution of our structure is normal business practice for us and may evolve further in the future as our strategy and business conditions create new needs and opportunities”, said Robert A. McDonald, CEO of P&G.