The ingredient, Omegablue, is an extract from the bilberry seed and the company claims it can be used as a soothing ingredient for the skin, as well as a skin and hair restructuring ingredient.
According to Indena, the major components of Omegablue are linoleic and alpha linolenic acids. Linoleic acid plays a role in skin hydration and alpha linolenic acid has a major anti-inflammatory effect, Indena explained, lending the ingredient its soothing and restructuring properties.
Anti-fragility ingredient for the hair
In addition to its potential as a skin care ingredient, it can be used in hair products, Indena’s scientific communication officer told
“We have tested it on the hair shaft and it behaves as an anti-fragility ingredient as it helps close the scales of the hair shaft,” she said.
“We measured this by looking at the volume of water that was absorbed before and after treatments…assuming that the more liquid the hair absorbs the more fragile it is.”
Good source of omega 3 and 6
Interest in the seed of the wild bilberry, Vaccinum myrtillus L, for cosmetic applications was prompted by research findings suggesting the seeds were a good source of omega 3 and 6, Maramaldi.
In addition, the company had a good source of the seeds due to extensive use of the bilberry fruit for other dietary supplements in its portfolio, she said.
“As we have the seeds from the high quantities of bilberry ingredients that we manufacturer we started pilot trials on extractions, and conducted further research and development on the extracts,” she told
Oral and topical
According to Marimaldi, the ingredient can be used orally in beauty from within formulations as well as topically.
While the company has not yet finished research on the effects of the ingredient when taken orally, Marimaldi said the ratio of omega 3 and 6 in the ingredient is very balanced, which is important when taken orally.